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Medi-Share Blog!

The Medi-Share Blog serves to provide readers with the tools they need to be fit physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationally. When we are fit in these five areas, we are equipped to fulfill the first commandment (Mark 12:30). To learn more about Medi-Share, click here.

From Struggle to Strength: The Power of Faith in Health Challenges

Mar 6, 2024

Reading time: 2 Minutes

Allison Tsamoutales

At Medi-Share, we believe that health and wellness extend far beyond physical well-being. As a Christian community dedicated to sharing each other's medical burdens, we understand the importance of faith in facing health challenges. Today, we want to explore how integrating faith can provide strength and resilience in navigating health journeys.

5 Fasting Practices for Lent and Beyond

Feb 23, 2024

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Allison Tsamoutales

Spiritual fasting is most commonly known today as abstaining from food for a certain period of time in order to humble ourselves and find spiritual solitude with God. Some do this to seek clarity when facing a challenge or big decision, some to simply reconnect with the Spirit. In Psalm 35:13, King David stated “I humbled myself with fasting, and my prayer was genuine.”

Healthy Living Podcast Ep 3: The Spiritual and Physical Connection

Feb 21, 2024

Reading time: 2 Minutes


Welcome to another episode of the Healthy Living Podcast. I'm your host, Pastor Paul Andris. Today, we're delving into the profound connection between our physical well-being and our spiritual lives. As believers, we understand that there is a divine correlation between the two, and we'll explore this relationship in the context of five key components of physical fitness.

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Medi-Share is an innovative health care solution for Christians looking to save money without sacrificing on quality.