Make Exercise a Priority: An Open Letter

Jan 17, 2025

Reading time: 4 Minutes

An open letter to all that find themselves too busy to exercise:


Dear “I’m Too Busy,”


I think we can all relate to the feeling that life is extremely busy with ever-changing schedules, seasons, to-do lists, work responsibilities, family time, etc. I completely understand how it can seem as if there just isn’t enough time in the day to fit that workout or physical activity into your already hectic schedule.


But what if I threw out an alternative perspective to shift you from “I am too busy to exercise” to “Maybe I can restructure my day to better prioritize exercise?” What if all that is needed is a bit of tweaking to your daily routine in order to get the recommended amount of daily activity?


Remember back in 2020 when the CDC reported that only 24.2% of adults aged 18 and over met the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity? They said that out of the remaining population, a whopping 46.3% of adults do not meet the guidelines for either aerobic or muscle-strengthening activity! I just thought that was so shocking to read.




With the activity guidelines being 150 minutes per week (or 30 minutes, 5 days a week) of cardiovascular training and 2 days per week of strength training, this means that almost HALF of the adult population in the United States is missing out on a higher quality of life because of their sedentary lifestyles. This just makes me so sad!


I feel that these findings are staggering considering the numerous health benefits that result from regular exercise including disease reversal and prevention, improved mood, higher quality sleep, better immune system, etc.


But back to your original objection: How can you fit more into your day when you already feel worn out and frazzled? To put it simply, it comes down to prioritization and time management. When you prioritize exercise and see its vital importance, you are more likely to structure your day a bit differently to make time to move your body in the way God designed and created it. We all have 24 hours in a day and have the freedom to choose how we spend that time, whether it’s 5 minutes or 60 minutes. The power to change your day and control your time is in your hands.


Here are some ideas that I jotted down that might help:

  • What if you were to workout smarter, not longer? A quick, 15-minute workout or walk a few times per day could help you meet physical activity guidelines and keep you energized throughout the day.
  • Have you been monitoring your screen time? I didn’t realize how much of my day I spent staring at a screen until I took note of it. Try taking a look at a given day and identify how much time you spend on your phone and/or tv. Could you work out during that time or even shorten your screen time by a single episode to fit a workout into your day?
  • Maybe try exercising at lunchtime. Carving out all (or some) of your lunchbreak can be a simple way to get movement into your busy day. Rather than sitting over lunch, go on a walk with a coworker or do a quick workout if possible.
  • Are you a morning person? Getting into the habit of doing your workout in the morning prevents the unexpected things that end up derailing you from afternoon workouts.
  • Could you bring a buddy? Recruit your family or a friend to join you on your walks or in your workouts, as this allows you to spend time with others while continuing to prioritize your health.

So, “I’m Too Busy,” don’t let time hold you back from thinking you are unable to prioritize exercise in your weekly routine! Rather than letting your day control you, control your day by planning ahead and making slight adjustments that will allow a bit of margin for physical activity. A little goes a long way, so get creative, move more throughout your day, and enjoy the benefits of moving your body. Take control of your day and move your exercise up on your priority list!



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