Audrey Kuykendall

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With a desire to encourage and inspire, Audrey Keathley has found herself in a variety of vocations. Each step has led her to the next through Divine Providence, from working as a language tutor and translator, certified pharmacy technician, and even professional performer. Audrey’s pastimes include, but are not limited to: reading, trying new things, writing, playing with her dogs, performing, and learning new skills even if she never masters any of them.

5 Things to Tell Your Pharmacy

Oct 4, 2023

Reading time: 3 Minutes

Audrey Kuykendall

From the enthusiastic appointment scheduler at your doctor’s office to the triage nurse who asks you to stand on that awful scale, to the person stapling a booklet of paper to your prescription bag—each professional comprises a member on your healthcare team. Everyone plays a unique role on that team, and every role impacts your overall healthcare.

5 Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

Aug 2, 2023

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Audrey Kuykendall

The best source of information regarding prescription and over the counter medications is not a search engine, social media site, or phone app. It’s your pharmacist! Not only are they legally required to do a “9-point check” for each prescription going in and out of the pharmacy, they are also equipped with the skills and knowledge for your day-to-day health and wellness.

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