Posts about Discipleship

Choosing Vulnerability Over Pride

Oct 24, 2024

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Cindi Killen

[As seen on iBelieve.] Over and over, the book of Proverbs warns us that pride comes before a fall. Samson’s life displays this quite literally. His story in the book of Judges provides an object lesson showing how not to live. So, if we want to reject pride and avoid its consequences, how should we live instead? Perhaps the key can be found in what Samson lacked: Vulnerability.

Is God really in control?

Oct 11, 2024

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Tom Kepler

[As seen previously in The Christian Post] When a well-meaning Christian says “God is in control,” they typically mean that God makes things happen, or stops them from happening, at random. But the Bible teaches us that God’s sovereignty is an essential aspect of who He is and that He has absolute authority over all things. “The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying, ‘Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have purposed, so it shall stand’” (Isaiah 14:24).

Staying Unified in a Divided World

Oct 9, 2024

Reading time: 1 Minutes

Eric Mellert

We live in a society that is increasingly polarized. In fact, the world actively seeks to divide us. As a body of believers, we need to stand on the principles of God and fight against the spirit of division. Ephesians 4 speaks repeatedly about the oneness of believers and the characteristics of the believer that is seeking unity. Those focused on unity are:

Our Suffering and God's Sovereignty

Sep 27, 2024

Reading time: 1 Minutes

Austin King

Stories of both God's sovereignty and the suffering of God's people are riddled throughout the Bible. In our human understanding, God's sovereignty and suffering seem to be at odds, but throughout the Bible God uses the suffering of his people to work good (Romans 8:28). Recount the stories of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Ruth, the Apostle Paul, to name a few, and we see much suffering allowed in their lives. How does God use suffering?

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