Peter Rosenberger

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There Used to Be M and Ms

Nov 30, 2018

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Peter Rosenberger

By Medi-Share member, Peter Rosenberger For as long as I can remember, when my father came home from reserve duty in the military, he brought each of my brothers and my sister a pack of M & M’s. Stretching past his military service as a chaplain, he and my mother extended the treats to us when we returned home from college. Each time we arrived with our luggage (sometimes filled with dirty laundry), we’d walk into our rooms to find a bag of M&M’s waiting on the pillow.

Healthy Caregivers Can Speak Life

Aug 31, 2018

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Peter Rosenberger

The state of Hawaii recently passed the Our Care, Our Choice Act, which legalizes “medically assisted death.” For those wanting to end their life, it requires they have two witnesses attesting to their desire for death and two doctors agreeing the patient has six months or fewer to live.

A Deeper Consolation

Jul 14, 2018

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Peter Rosenberger

By Peter Rosenberger As the news of yet another mass shooting confronted America following the tragedy in Annapolis, the frequency of these events may have created an ancillary effect. Where Americans once put our hands over our mouth in horror, an increasing number merely pause to offer a brief tribute of sentiment as consolation.

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