Medi-Share 65+

An Affordable Christian
Option for those with
Medicare Parts A & B

Medi-Share 65+

An Affordable Christian
Option for those with
Medicare Parts A & B




Monthly Cost


Medicare Complement


See Any

What is Medi-Share 65+?

Medi-Share 65+ is an option for Seniors 65 and older with Medicare Parts A & B. Medi-Share 65+ will share in any medical expenses that are covered by Medicare. With one low monthly cost, enjoy peace of mind from a supplemental alternative that supports your medical care and budget.

What it Costs

65 - 74 $99/Month
75+ $150/Month

Disclaimer: A recurring $2 sharing account maintenance fee will be added to your monthly share notice. Also, a one-time $2 account set up fee is added at the time of membership activation. Medi-Share 65+ Healthcare Sharing will always be secondary to Medicare. 

Senior Couple drinking coffee and looking at a tablet
A 65+ Couple enjoy coffee whilst evaluating their Medi-Share 65+ Options.
65 - 74 $99/Month
75+ $150/Month

Disclaimer: A recurring $2 sharing account maintenance fee will be added to your monthly share notice. Also, a one-time $2 account set up fee is added at the time of membership activation. Medi-Share 65+ Healthcare Sharing will always be secondary to Medicare. 

Medi-Share 65+ Includes:


AHPThe dollar amount a Member Household must pay toward their Eligible Medical Bills during a 12-month period before their Eligible Medical Bills will be approved for sharing. Option


Monthly Share Amounts

65-74 yrs. old: $99
75+ yrs. old: $150

24/7 Access to TelehealthOn demand health care from the comfort of your own home.

Select Savings Card

Dental and Vision Discounts

Sharing in Medicare Deductibles & Copays

Sharing in Office Visits

Sharing in Nursing Facility Care


Sharing in Durable Medical Equipment

Refer-A-Friend $100 Incentive

How Medi-Share 65+ Works For You

  • img-MediShare-WorksForYou_MS65-01

    24/7 Access to Telehealth

    • Access board certified doctors.
    • Receive the care you need.
    • Get a prescription, if needed.
    • Usually takes 30 minutes or less.
    • No out of pocket costs.
  • img-MediShare-WorksForYou_MS65-02

    In-Person Doctor Visit

    • Choose your doctor and schedule your appointment.
    • Medicare will be billed first.
    • If remaining bills are eligible for sharing, Medi-Share 65+ will share in remaining expenses.
  • img-MediShare-WorksForYou_MS65-03

    Emergency Room

    • Call 911
    • Medicare will be billed first
    • If remaining bills are eligible for sharing, Medi-Share 65+ will share in remaining expenses.

    *See Guidelines for more details
  • img-MediShare-WorksForYou_MS65-04

    Hospitalizations & Surgery

    • Medicare will be billed first.
    • If remaining bills are eligible for sharing, Medi-Share 65+ will share in the remaining expenses. 

    *See Guidelines for more details

Experience More from Medi-Share 65+


One Low Monthly Cost
Enjoy one low price for up to 10 years.


See Any Doctor
See any doctor that accepts Medicare.


Direct Bill Management
Anything Medicare approves is eligible for sharing.


Aligned With Your Values
We support and honor the Biblical values of our members.


Why Choose Medi-Share 65+?

Medi-Share 65+ is a secondary option to those with Medicare Parts A & B and provides one low price for up to 10 years. With Medi-Share 65+ you can switch at any time. The 20% of medical expenses not covered by Medicare are eligible to be shared in by Medi-Share 65+.

Medi-Share Works For You

Ginny B.

"It’s very intentional how they try to bless people. It is a ministry."

Ginny B.

Medi-Share Member

Ginny B.

Medi-Share Works For You

The Sullivans

"Medi-Share brought a personal peace, that brought comfort and support to us."

The Sullivans

Medi-Share Members

The Sullivans

Medi-Share Works For You

The Hughes

"Medi-Share has been one of the greatest blessings God has ever given us."

The Hughes

Medi-Share Members

The Hughes

Medi-Share Works For You

Sharon K.

"Medi-Share has always been there for us and the needs we’ve had as a family."

Sharon K.

Medi-Share Member

Sharon K.

Medi-Share Works For You

Paul S.

"Medi-Share helped us pay for something that we could believe in."

Paul S.

Medi-Share Member

Paul S.

Get Started With Medi-Share Today!

*Healthcare Bluebook and Fair Price are trademarks of CareOperative LLC.

© 2025 Christian Care Ministry

Medi-Share is a nonprofit health care sharing ministry of Christian Care Ministry, Inc ("CCM"). Medi-Share members voluntarily share each other's medical expenses in accordance with guidelines adopted by the members and administered by CCM. Medi-Share is not insurance and is not regulated as insurance. Neither CCM nor any Medi-Share member assume any legal obligation to share in the payment of any medical expense incurred by another Medi-Share member. Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See 26 U.S.C §5000 A(d)(2)(B). Certain states expressly exempt from insurance regulation healthcare sharing ministries that, among other things, post a specific notice. Although Medi-Share does not rely on such express exemptions, Medi-Share has elected to publish theses notices. You can review the disclosure required for the state in which you reside: KY, MD, PA, WI - All Other States. - Click to view our privacy policy.