Melissa Richeson

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Melissa Richeson is a freelance writer and editor based in Central Florida. Her work has been featured in places like The Washington Post, Florida Today, Sunlight Press, BiggerPockets Wealth Magazine, WDW Magazine, and many other outlets. As a Medi-Share member, she shares regularly about her positive CCM experience over the past decade. Melissa can often be found in real life at the beach, or virtually on her freelance website.

How to Share Scripture with Compassion

Jun 7, 2024

Reading time: 7 Minutes

Melissa Richeson

[As appeared on] I didn’t know him, but he knew me – or he thought he did. The two of us stood a few yards apart at the church basketball court, waiting on our kids to finish up a quick post-service game. He came over and introduced himself, a Bible app clearly pulled up on his phone. A few minutes later, I was blinking back tears and struggling to breathe.

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