A Call to Men: Promise Keepers Mental Health Summit
Oct 20, 2022
Reading time: 2 Minutes
“Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NIV
Bri Jacob is a former Brand Ambassador at CCM. She’s a graduate from Lee University who loves music, used bookstores, being a dog mom, and spending time with her husband.
Oct 20, 2022
Reading time: 2 Minutes
“Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NIV
Sep 17, 2021
Reading time: 2 Minutes
Do you need a break from the heaviness? Some refreshing in your soul? Join us and the rest of the Medi-Share community as we come together for three days in the Word and in prayer September 22-24 and let yourself be...
May 14, 2021
Reading time: 3 Minutes
It’s no secret that as believers we will face many trials and tribulations, and in this life, we will have burdens. Sometimes our burdens can weigh us down and make us feel isolated and defeated, but the good news is we don’t have to carry burdens alone. (Yes, introverts, God actually created us for community.)
Apr 22, 2021
Reading time: 2 Minutes
Have you ever been knocked down? Maybe even hit hard while you were already down? If so, this story is for you.
Mar 19, 2021
Reading time: 2 Minutes
There is power in community, faith, and a story. Stories can inspire and restore hope. There have been times in the last year when it seemed hope was in short supply, but stories help to remind us that with God all things are possible and that there is ALWAYS a reason to have hope.
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Medi-Share is an innovative health care solution for Christians looking to save money without sacrificing on quality.
*Healthcare Bluebook and Fair Price are trademarks of CareOperative LLC.
© 2025 Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share is a nonprofit health care sharing ministry of Christian Care Ministry, Inc ("CCM"). Medi-Share members voluntarily share each other's medical expenses in accordance with guidelines adopted by the members and administered by CCM. Medi-Share is not insurance and is not regulated as insurance. Neither CCM nor any Medi-Share member assume any legal obligation to share in the payment of any medical expense incurred by another Medi-Share member. Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See 26 U.S.C §5000 A(d)(2)(B). Certain states expressly exempt from insurance regulation healthcare sharing ministries that, among other things, post a specific notice. Although Medi-Share does not rely on such express exemptions, Medi-Share has elected to publish theses notices. You can review the disclosure required for the state in which you reside: KY, MD, PA, WI - All Other States. - Click to view our privacy policy.