Jim Schneider

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Jim Schneider spent eight years at The Cincinnati Financial Corporation honing sales, negotiation, and relationship management skills before joining Gilbert's Risk Solutions in 1999. He grew a zero-revenue segment into a multimillion-dollar portfolio. In 2009, Jim co-founded Eyes of Faith Optical, turning it into a major niche collection in the industry. He serves as a board member for Sight Ministries International and is a Fellow of the CS Lewis Institute. Since 2019, Eyes of Faith has collaborated with national radio host Delilah to impact Point Hope Village in Ghana, including opening the Eyes of Hope Vision Centre in 2023. Jim co-founded Sharon City Eyeworks in 2022. He is also the co-founder of ZIVAH sunglasses, partnering with Watts of Love to distribute solar-powered light globally. Jim has been featured in Vision Monday, Ministry Today, the WOW Factor, and is a best-selling author. He is a graduate of Ohio Northern University and lives in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Amy.

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