10 Bible Verses for Business Owners
Nov 10, 2020
Reading time: 3 Minutes
I am continually amazed at how relevant the Bible is to “modern” challenges that we face.
Bob Lotich found himself at his breaking point in his early 20’s overwhelmed by debt and stranded 1,000 miles from home with only $7 to his name. After crying out to God for wisdom and discovering a simple Biblically-inspired formula, he reached a level of financial freedom he never dreamed possible: having a paid-off house by age 31 and even reaching a personal goal of giving $1 million by age 40. For the last 14 years, he and his wife Linda have shared their best lessons with over 54 million readers and listeners in their award-winning book, website (that you are reading), Podcast, and courses.
Nov 10, 2020
Reading time: 3 Minutes
I am continually amazed at how relevant the Bible is to “modern” challenges that we face.
Aug 10, 2018
Reading time: 9 Minutes
Revised May 2024 By guest financial blogger and Medi-Share member, Bob Lotich Explore finances through a biblical lens with five Bible verses about money every Christian should know, including guiding principles for stewardship, and trusting in God's provision. Being a Christian is about more than just eternal life; it’s about pleasing our Heavenly Father here on earth by living out our faith and living a life that is peaceful, victorious, and God-honoring. It should affect every aspect of our lives, even down to our stewardship of the money God provides. And the best way to discover how God wants us to steward money is to go to the source … His Word! There are five Bible verses about money every Christian should know. As we go through these verses from the Bible, the goal is to get you familiar with what God’s Word says about money, so that you can follow His guidance. 1 Timothy 6:10 Malachi 3:10 Acts 20:35 Prov 22:7 Philippian 4:19
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Medi-Share is a nonprofit health care sharing ministry of Christian Care Ministry, Inc ("CCM"). Medi-Share members voluntarily share each other's medical expenses in accordance with guidelines adopted by the members and administered by CCM. Medi-Share is not insurance and is not regulated as insurance. Neither CCM nor any Medi-Share member assume any legal obligation to share in the payment of any medical expense incurred by another Medi-Share member. Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See 26 U.S.C §5000 A(d)(2)(B). Certain states expressly exempt from insurance regulation healthcare sharing ministries that, among other things, post a specific notice. Although Medi-Share does not rely on such express exemptions, Medi-Share has elected to publish theses notices. You can review the disclosure required for the state in which you reside: KY, MD, PA, WI - All Other States. - Click to view our privacy policy.