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Medi-Share Blog!

The Medi-Share Blog serves to provide readers with the tools they need to be fit physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationally. When we are fit in these five areas, we are equipped to fulfill the first commandment (Mark 12:30). To learn more about Medi-Share, click here.

Longevity Trends: Helpful or Hype?

Aug 9, 2024

Reading time: 6 Minutes

Melissa Richeson

A quick scroll through social media, search engines, and streaming series reveals a common theme: Longevity is trending. From week to week, it seems like there’s a new, hot, “must do” practice that promises to lengthen our lives. But how much of it is helpful and how much is hype?

Prayers for Back-to-School

Aug 2, 2024

Reading time: 6 Minutes

Melissa Richeson

Parents, it’s that time again – time for school supply shopping. Colorful store displays and flashy sales try to trick us into thinking this is the most wonderful time of the year. And it works through elementary school, maybe. But eventually the thrill of new folders and a fresh box of crayons wears off, and we groan along with our kids at the supply list that signals the ending of summer.

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