Posts about Families (2)

The 7th Annual Day of Sharing: A Celebration of Service and Community

Nov 6, 2024

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Debbie Ryan

In October, employees and their families from Christian Care Ministry joined hands to give back to the Brevard County community in an event that has grown to be one of the employee highlights of the year: the 7th Annual Day of Sharing. This special day, held each October, brings together staff and their loved ones who selflessly volunteer their time to support local organizations dedicated to uplifting the community. This year, the impact was widespread, with volunteers serving nearly twenty organizations that provide crucial support to various community needs.

Prayers for Back-to-School

Aug 2, 2024

Reading time: 6 Minutes

Melissa Richeson

Parents, it’s that time again – time for school supply shopping. Colorful store displays and flashy sales try to trick us into thinking this is the most wonderful time of the year. And it works through elementary school, maybe. But eventually the thrill of new folders and a fresh box of crayons wears off, and we groan along with our kids at the supply list that signals the ending of summer.

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