Posts about Worship (2)

Celebrating National Bible Week: A Foundation for our Children

Nov 18, 2022

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Wes Lindsey

There are few things in life that I wish for more than a bright future for my children. Yes, I want them to be successful in whatever career or ministry God calls them to. Of course, I want them to experience the joy that comes from raising a family of their own. Sure, I would even love to leave them a nice inheritance, have their college aspirations fully funded, and keep them from experiencing many of the learning pains I had as a young adult.

With All Creation I Sing!

Mar 11, 2022

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Dawn Carroll

Two years ago, along with tens of thousands of other Americans, my husband and I purchased a camper. It had always been a retirement dream, but the lockdown of 2020 increased our sense of urgency to find some peace and solace in the woods.

Father Knows Best

Aug 27, 2021

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Dawn Carroll

What do you want to be when you grow up? [As appeared on] As a child and later as a mom, this has been a frequent conversation starter in my home. I personally wanted to be a psychiatrist, but when we started exploring careers in school, I realized it would require a medical focus. I can’t deal with blood, so that dream was quickly dashed.

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