Posts about Bible Study (2)

Why should I study my Bible?

Feb 16, 2023

Reading time: 3 Minutes

Cindi Killen

I love those times I open my Bible and everything I read seems so clear and breathes life into my day. It is a satisfyingly peaceful feeling, kind of like being with an old friend who, despite having known you on your worst of days, finds no uncomfortable barrier but only pleasure in your friendship.

The greatest gift you will ever receive: Grace upon Grace

Dec 21, 2022

Reading time: 4 Minutes

Debbie Ryan

In all transparency, I really struggle this time of year. I want to make my kids Christmas special; I want to stay on budget, I want to get the best deals, and I want to focus on creating memories over giving physical gifts. Yet, at the end of the day, I am often left feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. And then there’s the anticipation, maybe even worry, about receiving gifts.

Celebrating National Bible Week: A Foundation for our Children

Nov 18, 2022

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Wes Lindsey

There are few things in life that I wish for more than a bright future for my children. Yes, I want them to be successful in whatever career or ministry God calls them to. Of course, I want them to experience the joy that comes from raising a family of their own. Sure, I would even love to leave them a nice inheritance, have their college aspirations fully funded, and keep them from experiencing many of the learning pains I had as a young adult.

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