When you're in college, you have plenty to worry you. Homework, studying for tests, and completing projects are enough to occupy your mind. Even after you've graduated, much more may start to weigh on you, like paying off student loans and starting a satisfying career. The last thing you want to think about is how you'll pay medical bills in the event of an accident, or how you'll manage all your doctor's visits in order to stay healthy and fit.
America's newest generation of college students and recent graduates are not only budget-conscious, but also cause-driven. What better group of individuals to consider a cost sharing program as a great option when it comes to their healthcare?

What is Health Care Sharing?
Christian healthcare sharing is a way to receive assistance with eligible medical bills, while also supporting other Christians in their times of need. Healthcare sharing is not insurance; instead, a health care sharing ministry (HCSM) is a group of like-minded people with similar religious beliefs who come together to share each other’s medical burdens.
Members can share their monthly contributions with confidence, knowing each dollar goes to the healthcare bills of fellow Christians in need. Medi-Share, one such HCSM, is a non-profit ministry, dedicated to helping individuals and families support each other in Christ. It's an excellent way for a college student or recent graduate to stand by his or her principles and still enjoy the benefits of a quality healthcare program.
Sharing Options to Fit Every Budget
Starting out on your own in the ‘real world’ can be difficult, especially in terms of finances. Perhaps you aren’t covered by insurance but your university requires it, or you are no longer under the umbrella of your parents' plan because of your age. You may have found a new job after graduation, but even if health benefits are offered the rates may not be affordable for recent grads like you.
The good news is that you’re not alone, and you’re not out of options: Christian healthcare sharing programs like Medi-Share provide you with an economical way to have the financial, health, and spiritual support you need.
Rewards For Your Healthy Lifestyle
You may not think you need to worry about your healthcare options because you're healthy or whatever the reason. But, beware of the unexpected.
If you ARE healthy, that's great news!
A program like Medi-Share allows for even more control over your expenses by offering a reduction of the monthly share amount for those who meet certain health criteria. Leading a healthy lifestyle not only has the benefit of reducing your need for medical care, but it can also save you even more money on your monthly contribution!
Learn More About Medi-Share
As you enter this new phase in your life, whether you're pursuing your college diploma or looking to put your new degree to work, put priority on your health and security. If you've hesitated to embrace a traditional healthcare plan, check out how Medi-Share works, and consider joining our vibrant Christian community with the confidence of knowing you're cared for in a time of need.
Want to know how much you could save each month? Check out Medi-Share's pricing calculator today!