Rediscover the Simple Joys of Christmas by Keeping it Simple 

Dec 13, 2024

Reading time: 3 Minutes

Christmas is a season of joy and celebration—but it can also become a source of stress if we’re not careful. The pressure to attend every event, buy endless gifts, and create picture-perfect moments can quickly overwhelm us, robbing us of the true spirit of the holiday.  


By simplifying your approach, you can reclaim the peace and happiness that Christmas is meant to bring. Here are some practical tips to help you keep this meaningful season joyful and stress-free: 

  1. Embrace the Power of “No”

Not every invitation or opportunity requires your RSVP. Choose a few meaningful events to attend and enjoy the freedom of saying “no” to the rest. For example, I’ve found so much joy this year in staying home and watching Christmas movies with my kids. If I had said yes to every gathering, I wouldn’t have had these cherished moments. Practice saying no—it’s liberating and helps you prioritize what truly matters. 


Family hugging giving gifts

  1. Simplify Gift-Giving

Gift-giving is a wonderful tradition, but it can also lead to financial strain and time crunches. Consider organizing a gift exchange among family or friends instead of buying presents for everyone. In our family, we draw names at Thanksgiving, so each person in our extended family gives and receives one thoughtful gift. It’s a special tradition that simplifies the process while preserving the joy of giving. 


  1. Refocus on the True Meaning of Christmas

The heart of Christmas is not in the parties, presents, or decorations, but in celebrating the birth of Jesus. We all know this, and yet it is so easy to let these other things become a priority, leaving Jesus as an afterthought. When we prioritize the deeper meaning of the holiday, the season becomes less about stress and more about gratitude and love as we consider all that Jesus’s life means. Here are a few ways to realign your focus: 

    • Read the Christmas Story Together: Schedule a family night to read the Christmas story. Younger children may enjoy hearing the story read aloud with popcorn and pajamas, while older kids or adults can read through the book of Luke throughout December. 

    • Listen to Christ-Centered Christmas Music: Fill your home with music that reflects the true story of Christmas. Choose stations or playlists that feature Christian Christmas songs and take time to worship and reflect on God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas.  

    • Incorporate Meaningful Decorations: Adding a nativity scene to your holiday décor can be a simple yet powerful reminder of the Christmas story. As a child, I loved playing with our family’s nativity set, often acting out the story as my mom shared its details. 

playing with nativity

  1. Spread Love and Kindness

One of the simplest ways to experience joy is by sharing it with others. Here are a few ideas to brighten the lives of those around you: 

    • Connect with Neighbors: Take time to wave, smile, or chat with those in your neighborhood. Whether it’s a kind word about their dog or their holiday decorations, small acts of connection can lead to meaningful relationships—and even opportunities to share the love of Christ. 

    • Participate in Church Services: Many churches host Christmas Eve services or special events throughout December. Attending these gatherings can help you stay grounded in the spiritual significance of the season. As a Medi-Share employee, we are blessed to participate in weekly chapel services. Here is a past Christmas service to encourage us all.   

    • Give Generously: Involve your family in purchasing a gift or donating to someone in need. Acts of generosity not only bless others but also fill your heart with joy. 


By keeping Christmas simple and meaningful, you can embrace the beauty of the season without the burden of unnecessary stress. Focus on what brings you and your family the most joy and let go of the rest. Keeping Jesus as the center of all celebrations may take a conscious effort but will bring true joy to your family.  


Wishing you and your family joy and peace this Christmas! 

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