Sharing In the Midst of a Pandemic

Aug 28, 2020

Reading time: 2 Minutes

It might look a little different than in years past but Christian Care Ministry employees in Colorado Springs, Colorado; Melbourne, Florida; and in some of our remote locations will once again volunteer in their communities on Saturday, October 3rd for the third annual Day of Sharing. In addition to wearing t-shirts to commemorate the annual event, employees will also be sporting branded CCM face masks and hand sanitizer while out serving.


jim serving at salvation army


To abide by social distancing guidelines, smaller groups of employees will serve at individual non-profits than in previous years.



For the past two years, COS employees have joined forces with COSILoveYou to participate in CityServe by going out into the community to provide volunteer service. Because almost all CCM employees have been working remotely since March, departments and teams will be using this year’s opportunity to serve Colorado Springs together as a group and finally get to spend some socially-distanced time together while sporting masks.


In 2019, CCM employees and their families served 28 local organizations in Colorado Springs, Melbourne, and in Illinois. Volunteers helped at food banks, thrift stores, homeless shelters, area zoos, building, and doing beach cleanup , just to name a few of the opportunities.


volunteers at family life services


This year we have added a new dimension by offering to serve local church bodies impacted by the pandemic who may need painting, cleaning, or organization services.


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Christian Care Ministry has a culture of service, offering each full-time employee up to 24 hours per year of paid release time to serve in the community. In 2019, CCM employees volunteered more than 4,100 hours throughout the year in addition to the Day of Sharing (a Saturday).


Our employees enthusiastically support this event and this year will be no different. There may be a few concessions in light of the pandemic, but a virus won’t stop CCM from finding a need, meeting the need, and impacting the Kingdom.


To join CCM employees on the Day of Sharing on October 3 by serving in your own community or church, register here.


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