You’ve made the switch and taken the leap of faith, joining more than 400,000 other Christians by joining Medi-Share. Great!
Now what?
How do I talk to my provider?
Going to the doctor for the first time after joining might be uneasy for some. After all, Medi-Share is not insurance, so how do you talk to your provider? What do you give your provider? How is this experience different?
Many times doctors themselves are not familiar with Medi-Share because they have a billing department who handles all of that. Even when you call to make an initial appointment, the person on the other end of the phone, whether a receptionist, nurse, etc., may not understand how to handle your appointment and bill.
To help our members (and potential members), we partnered with an actual doctor who also happens to be a member to give us great tips on how to communicate better with your doctor and talk to your provider about Medi-Share.
“I had heard about Medi-Share from several of my patients over the years, but what drew me to it is the PHCS network,” explained Dr. Stuart Hoover, a functional health doctor who practices in Kansas. “A large hospital near us participates in it as well, so that was appealing.
“In March of this year, only two months after being with Medi-Share, my wife had an emergency, life-threatening event that required surgery. Of course, my first thought was the health and recovery of my wife. But, I have to admit my thoughts drifted towards the mounting medical bills.
“This event totaled over $150,000. Throughout this event, I was continually impressed with the process, starting with the emergency room visit. The hospital gladly took our Medi-Share card and charged us the published provider fee. Each week we were updated on the medical bill status and the bills were being adjusted accordingly and shared.
“Thankfully, my wife came through and has fully recovered. Praise God! Medi-Share members took care of the medical bills and we paid our annual household portion. Another ‘BIG PRAISE GOD!’ I have been in healthcare my whole life and this is one of the most impressive programs that I have ever seen.
“That being said, although Medi-Share may be new to many providers, the process shouldn’t be very different. When they look at your card, it can be confusing since it clearly states Medi-Share is not insurance. So, leading with the PHCS network is good.”
Many providers will not be familiar with all of the networks they participate in. It’s important to know that PHCS is one of the largest networks in the nation, recognized in all 50 states.
Here are some helpful answers to some frequently asked questions when needing to visit a doctor:
How do you find network providers?
Go to the PHCS provider list to find an in-network doctor:
How do I schedule an appointment?
When scheduling an appointment, explain to them that they participate in the PHCS network, that the contractual provider fee is $35 at the time of the visit, and that they should send the remaining bill to Medi-Share. Medi-Share will then process the bill accordingly.
What if I have a specific provider I want to see?
If you are looking for a specific provider and they are not on the in-network list, Medi-Share still gives you the opportunity to go to the doctor of your choosing. However, you will be responsible for additional out of pocket expenses, if any.
“In the past few years, more and more providers are participating in PHCS, which is encouraging,” Dr. Hoover added.
“So far, I’ve never had a billing issue, personally, and I’ve never heard of any problems of people not getting their bills shared.”
If you, as a Medi-Share member, ever have an issue when visiting an in-network provider who is unsure or reluctant to accept you as a patient (or charging you more than the $35 provider fee), you can call Member Services at 800-264-2562.