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Medi-Share Educational Videos for Christian Families


Discover how Medi-Share's health care sharing ministry supports Christian families by watching these informative videos.

How Does Medi-Share Work?
Check out how Medi-Share members voluntarily share their financial resources to pay each other’s medical expenses.
What is an AHP?

Learn more about the Annual Household Portion (AHP) and the yearly commitment members make before eligible medical bills can be shared. 

How Does the AHP Work for My Family?
Understand how the Annual Household Portion (AHP) works and what requirements must be met before sharing can start.
What is a Pre-Existing Condition?
Discover how Medi-Share identifies pre-existing conditions and learn about any potential sharing restrictions.
What is the Health Incentive Discount?
Get rewarded for living a healthy lifestyle! The Health Incentive Discount (HID) is a great way to save on your Monthly Share. Watch this video to find out if you qualify.
Can I get an Annual Physical with Medi-Share?
Watch this short video, to discover if annual physicals with limited labs are eligible for sharing. 
What Preventative Care is Available with Medi-Share?
Find out how Medi-Share handles preventative care including annual physicals, with limited labs.
What are Medi-Share Members Saying about Health Care Sharing?

Hear from our members, how they have been blessed by our Christian community, our commitment to prayer and caring for their health care needs. 

*Healthcare Bluebook and Fair Price are trademarks of CareOperative LLC.

© 2024 Christian Care Ministry

Medi-Share is a nonprofit health care sharing ministry of Christian Care Ministry, Inc ("CCM"). Medi-Share members voluntarily share each other's medical expenses in accordance with guidelines adopted by the members and administered by CCM. Medi-Share is not insurance and is not regulated as insurance. Neither CCM nor any Medi-Share member assume any legal obligation to share in the payment of any medical expense incurred by another Medi-Share member. Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See 26 U.S.C §5000 A(d)(2)(B). Certain states expressly exempt from insurance regulation healthcare sharing ministries that, among other things, post a specific notice. Although Medi-Share does not rely on such express exemptions, Medi-Share has elected to publish theses notices. You can review the disclosure required for the state in which you reside: KY, MD, PA, WI - All Other States. - Click to view our privacy policy.