Medi-Share® Blog

Where Is Your Faith?

Written by Yvette Outler | Jul 11, 2022 1:16:19 PM

Where Is Your Faith?


Having the right perspective can be a game changer. It can mean the difference between hopelessness and hope. It can help you navigate through a storm unscathed or tear you apart, depending on how you see things.


“…Let us go over to the other side of the lake. So, they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. Luke 8:22-25 (NIV)


Like the disciples, Jesus may ask us to go from where we were to another place. In our modern vernacular this could mean changing jobs, selling and buying a different home, marrying, moving to a different city, or trusting Him in the journey of grief.


Perspective directly affects your faith. What can we learn from the powerful story of Jesus calming the storm?


1. Your circumstance does not dictate your reality.

I have heard it said, “Just because you are in the garage doesn’t mean you’re a car.” Get to know the Truth. He is a person. (John 14:6) He will change your perspective from focusing inward on your circumstance(s) to focusing on Him. He sees your tomorrow. Jesus saw their destination before they arrived on the other side. The disciples’ perspective was fear.


2. Your circumstance does not dictate your future.

The disciples saw the boat filling with water. They saw the waves crashing overhead. They saw death. When Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves, immediately there was peace, tranquility, and hope restored.


No matter how bleak your current circumstance may seem Jesus Christ wants to help you in it and through it. Because of Him, you do not have to live “there” anymore.


3. Your circumstance is surrounded by God.

At the time, the disciples were unaware that the very Creator of the winds, rain, and storm was asleep just a few feet away from them. They were unaware that the answer to their problem was already with them. Let that sink in. (Pardon the pun.) Like the disciples, your answer is already with you. He is omnipresent, all-knowing, all-seeing. Salute this Truth by believing and living as though He is already there.


4. Your circumstance requires faith.

Do not allow a storm to cover up your faith in Christ. Do not allow your circumstance to rattle you so badly so that you cannot think sober-mindedly. The Lord wants you to be like a tree planted by the water, where your roots grow deep and are established. When the winds of life blow your way, “Where is your faith?” Make sure you have your own. Do not rely on another’s faith like the disciples did.


5. Your circumstance does not have to swallow you up!

There was a storm. The boat was filling with water. Danger is mentioned. The highlight of this story is not that danger existed, but that Jesus calmly and peacefully reacts to it. That same fortitude is within us, His believers, by the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us.


Some of you are living in a very real storm right now. You have been asking for help. You have been asking for direction. The good news is that He is already there. Trust Him. Allow your faith to be established in Him. You could pray something like this:


Father, you know the pain I have been dealing with in my life. You know the heartache that overwhelms me to the point that all I can do is cry. You know exactly where I need the greatest help right this very moment. Lord, come in and help me to have my faith established only in You. You will never leave me, nor forsake me. You will always have my best interest in mind. Lord, I want to glorify You with my life. Bring your will on earth as it is in heaven and establish it in my life today. In Jesus Name, amen.