This is Medi-Share

A Podcast dedicated to exploring health care sharing

Health care is complicated. But did you know there are other health care options? Join Medi-Share team members, Dom and Sharita, for this 8-episode series as they talk with professionals and members to explore the unique aspects and profound impact of the nation’s largest health care sharing community.

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All Episodes

Season 2

Ep 15: From the Heart of the CEO of Medi-Share
Ep 14: Killing the Spiders: Understanding The Real Reason For The Challenges in Our Lives
Ep 13: Changing the Game: How Medi-Share is Impacting Health Care
Ep 12: Controlling Your Health Care: Medi-Share’s Member-Voted Guidelines
Ep 11: Moving Forward: Employees’ Perspectives on Medi-Share
Episode 10: Doubts to Dreams: Overthinking and The Effects on Mental Health
Ep 9: From Pastors to Musical Artists: Medi-Share Experience for Entrepreneurs

Season 1

Ep 8: Medi-Share's Outreach: Reaching Beyond Our Own Communit‪y‬
Ep 7: We’re Having a Baby: Navigating the Rollercoaster of Pregnancy with Medi-Share
Ep 6: It’s a Community Choice: The Blessing of Sharing Burdens in A Community
Ep 5: Straight from the Stethoscope: Doctor's Who Choose Medi-Share
Ep 4: For the People, By the People: How Medi-Share Serves Its Members
Ep 3: More Than Supported: Meet Medi-Share Member, Niki Hardy
Ep 2: What's Up, Doc: The Convenience of Telehealth
Ep 1: What Does It Mean to Share: The Advantages of Community-Based Health Sharing

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