Medi-Share Reviews



The Sokic Family's Story


Vanessa: My husband and I at the time had been married for over nine years. And in that time we had just been trying to get pregnant and we didn't have any success. However, we knew that our family would be grown in some way in the future. And we possibly thought adoption would be a way that God would grow our family. And so we began looking for alternatives through health insurance, and we found Medi-Share and realized that Medi-Share also could help with that adoption down the road. And they would actually be able to help finance that adoption just through the Body of Christ pooling together to make that happen. My husband and I just loved that the Medi-Share members really come together and we all have the same beliefs and the core values that align with what God says in his word. About a year and a half after we joined Medi-Share, we found out that we were pregnant.


So it was great that I was able to go to every doctor's appointment, knowing and just resting assured that every appointment was sharable. As someone who's pregnant, you don't want to have to worry about anything else besides your child that's coming. I had my annual household portion that I had to meet. And then after that, everything was shared by members. And so, especially when I was facing the Cesarean section, I thought, "Well, goodness, that can't possibly all be shareable." And yet I was able to literally receive one bill in the mail and then send it off to Medi-Share. And that was it. I didn't have to worry.


I was able to enjoy our new baby and being a mother and never have to even worry about the bills that would pile up. Every time I call Medi-Share, I know that it's going to be such a pleasant experience. In fact, there's times where I think I don't have time to make that call right now. It's just another business you're going to have to call or whatever. But every time I call, they always end the conversation of course, with a time of prayer. And it is always a time in the day that I so need that prayer. And so it has blessed me. I can't tell you how many times I've cried, hanging up the phone with Medi-Share, because they've covered me in prayer in ways that they didn't even know. It's just been very powerful for us.



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